Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Runners United to Remember

I know what you're thinking:  This is a food blog, so what does it have to do with running?

Well, a lot. When you eat like I do, the calories have to be expended somehow, you know?

Truth be told, I don't identify myself as a runner, for my version of "running" is nothing more than moving at a slightly higher pace than walking. I have only ever entered one race in my life - a 5K back in 2004 or 2005 - and have been confined to treadmill running since I started having problems with my prematurely aging knees. I have never run a marathon, or even a half-marathon, and I'm pretty sure I never will. But, running is an important part of my routine, and is pretty much the only reason I am not overweight right now.

Like many, I was saddened by Monday's unspeakable tragedy at the Boston Marathon, not just as a sort-of runner, but as a human being. I wanted to do something to help...but what?  On Monday night, I received an invitation to a virtual Facebook event called Runners United to Remember encouraging the running community to run or walk wherever they are, to "both honor the victims as well as display an act of unity and solidarity in the running community." Great idea, I thought, but I wanted to go beyond supporting the victims in just a symbolic fashion. After mulling this over for a day, I came up with this:

Between April 17 (today) and May 5, I pledge to run a minimum of 26.2 miles in support of those affected by Monday's tragedy. In addition, for every mile I run, I will donate $1 to One Fund Boston which provides financial support to the victims and their families.

Why am I announcing this on my food blog? Well, now that I've shared my plans with the whole world, I can't back out now, can I? ;)  Also, I'm hoping there is a small chance that someone reading this might be interested in joining me in supporting the victims. This can be done in any way you wish - either by running or walking, or donating whatever you can afford. Join me!

I completed my first 3.95 miles today, which means I have 22.25 miles left to go. I will update my progress on Twitter on the days that I run. So, cheer me on, for the more I run, the more money will be donated!