Saturday, April 13, 2013

Thai Peanut Tofu Pizza

In an earlier post, I wrote of my experimentations with the perfect whole wheat pizza crust. Naturally, part of that experimentation also involved trying different pizza toppings. In my google search for creative pizza topping ideas, I came across this post by Iowa Girl Eats and was tempted to try it right away! My first attempt was good, but I felt it could use more peanut sauce, so the next time I doubled the amount of peanut sauce and it was absolutely perfect! Even R., who had initially been skeptical about tofu on a pizza, was sold after he tried it, proclaiming this to be his favorite pizza!

I've also filled crispy wonton cups with a variation of this topping and it was a huge hit! More on that in a future post.

(Some) ingredients of the Thai Peanut Tofu Pizza
Some of the ingredients

Adding toppings to the Thai Peanut Tofu Pizza
Ready to bake!

Thai Peanut Tofu Pizza
Thai Peanut Tofu Pizza - the finished product, garnish and all

Thai Peanut Tofu Pizza 2
Thai Peanut Tofu Pizza

This is becoming one of my favorite pizzas, too! Thanks, Iowa Girl!

Recipe courtesy of:
Iowa Girl Eats (get the recipe here)